Demográfia English Edition <p style="text-align: justify;">Demográfia English Edition is the peer reviewed, open access annual journal of the Demographic Committee at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute. The journal has a broad scope in terms of geographic and thematic coverage. We encourage comparative analyses beyond Central and Eastern Europe about demographic processes, migration, family formation and related social phenomena.</p> <p><strong>Imprint</strong><br>Responsible publisher: Zsolt Spéder director<br>Editors: Attila Melegh, Lívia Murinkó<br>Publisher: Hungarian Demographic Research Institute <br>H-1024 Budapest, Buday László utca 1-3.<br>ISSN 1787-940X (Print) <br>ISSN 1787-9566 (Online)</p> en-US (Attila Melegh) (Ágnes Törő) Mon, 31 Jul 2023 12:29:21 +0200 OJS 60 Age and gender dependence and the secular trend of death causes in the U.S., analysed on diversity curves <p>Age vs. death cause diversity curves seem to be the appropriate objects to study death cause diversity. The findings of the present paper are consistent with earlier findings of ad-hoc methodological pilot studies. The paper serves as a significant reference for further studies on epidemiological diversity or concentration. The diversity of death causes has become an important population character to be investigated recently. Its variations treated in the paper may correlate with other demographic characteristics of the population. Furthermore, the revealed variations in death cause diversity refer to the need for standardisation before comparing death cause diversities of various populations.</p> <p><br>Keywords: diversity, concentration, death causes, age dependence, sex differences, secular changes</p> Rudolf Izsák, János Izsák Copyright (c) 2023 Demográfia English Edition Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0200