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VEROSZTA, Zsuzsanna 
Deputy Director

Research fields

- Birth cohort studies
- Educational inequalities
- School to work transition
- Register based research methods


e-mail: veroszta@demografia.hu
tel: +36-1 345-6557
mob: +36-30 285-8187


Szabó, Laura  Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (2024): Discrimination against Roma women during childbirth? Unraveling the underlying effects of ethnic and socio-economic factors. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 5 August 2024, 101013.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Boros, Julianna – Fábián, Ildikó – Kapitány, Balázs – Kis, Réka – Kopcsó, Krisztina – Ökrös, Fruzsina – Spéder, Zsolt – Szabó, Laura (2023): Growing up in Hungary - Cohort ’18 Hungarian Birth Cohort Study. Technical report 3. 6-month wave. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 41. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Ökrös, Fruzsina – Kopcsó, Krisztina (2023): Impact of labour market reintegration on breastfeeding among mothers of 6-month-olds. Breastfeeding Review, 31(1), 7–19.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Kopcsó Krisztina – Boros, Julianna – Ökrös, Fruzsina (2021). The lockdown experience of Hungarian mothers with young children facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Demográfia English Edition, 63-64(5), 73–99.

Veroszta, Zs.- Kopcsó, K. - Boros, J. - Kapitány, B. - Szabó, L. - Spéder, Zs. (2020): Tracking the development of children from foetal age: an introduction to Cohort ’18 Growing Up in Hungary. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies

Kapitány, Balázs – Spéder, Zsolt – Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (2019). Theoretical and methodological framework of Cohort’18. In Veroszta Zsuzsanna (ed): Conceptual framework. Growing Up in Hungary – Cohort ’18. Hungarian birth cohort study. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 32, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 6–15.

Halász, Anita – Veroszta Zsuzsanna (2019). Identifying Social background effects in birth Cohort studies. In Veroszta Zsuzsanna (ed): Conceptual framework. Growing Up in Hungary – Cohort ’18. Hungarian birth cohort study. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 32, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute,Budapest, 39–50.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (ed.) (2019): Conceptual framework. Growing Up in Hungary – Cohort ’18. Hungarian birth cohort study. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare No. 32, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.

Veroszta Zsuzsanna (2018): The steps of fundamental technical work. In Veroszta Zsuzsanna (ed.): Technical report. Growing Up in Hungary – Cohort ’18. Hungarian birth cohort study. Prenatal research, preparational phase. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 30, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 18–23.

Veroszta Zsuzsanna (ed.) (2018): Technical report. Growing Up in Hungary – Cohort ’18. Hungarian birth cohort study. Prenatal research, preparational phase. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, No. 30, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.

Csizmadia Péter – Veroszta Zsuzsanna (2018): Determinants of Skill Matching among Young Hungarian Engineers. In Denis, Lemaitre (ed.): Training Engineers for Innovation. HOBOKEN: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 125–144.

Csizmadia Péter – Veroszta Zsuzsanna (2018): Facteurs déterminants de l’adéquation des compétences à l’emploi chez les jeunes ingénieurs hongrois. In Denis, Lemaitre (ed.) : Formation des ingénieurs à l’innovation. London, ISTE Ltd., 135–156.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Nyüsti, Szilvia (2015): Institutional effects on Bachelor-Master-level transition. International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), pp.39-61.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Nyüsti, Szilvia (2014): Hungarian Graduate Career Tracking 2013 - Integration of Administrative Databases. Budapest: Educatio Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft., 114p.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (2014): Employment effects on planned higher educational career track. In: Kiss, László (ed.): The Social Dimension of Higher Education: The Results of Eurostudent in Hungary. Budapest: Educatio Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft., pp.53-67.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (2014): Students’ Income-Related Motivations and Expectations. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3), pp.165-184.

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna (2013): The way to master programmes – an examination of the selection mechanisms in the bachelor/master transition in higher education. In.: Garai O. –

Veroszta Zs. (szerk.): Hungarian graduates 2011. Budapest: Educatio Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. pp.9-37

Veroszta, Zsuzsanna – Kiss, László (2011): Bachelor graduates in Hungary in the transitional period of higher education system. In: Schomburg, H.–Teichler, U. (eds.): Employability and mobility of bachelor graduates in Europe. Key results of the Bologna Process. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 129–142.