Korfa 2003/4. English Edition


  • Hegyesi Adrienn
  • Melegh Attila
  • Hárs Ágnes
  • Kondratieva Elena
  • Forsander Annika
  • Salmenhaara Perttu
  • Illés Sándor
  • Nyíri Pál
  • Gödri Irén
  • Molodikova Irina


Contents Globalization and migration (Adrienn Hegyesi, Attila Melegh) East-West Labor Migration, Bilateral Agreements and Globalization (Ágnes Hárs) Distinctive characteristics of Russain migration processes (Elena Kondratieva) Globalizing capital and lacking labor in Finland (Annika Forsander, Pettru Salmenhaara) Globalization and Migration in Hungary (Attila Melegh) Flows and counter-flows: Migration to and from the European Union in Hungary (Sándor Illés) Transnationalism and localization in an ethnic economy in Hungary: Business and labor strategies Chinese entrepreneurs Motivation and features of Hungarian immigration at the turn of the millenium (Irén Gödri) UN Convention and the protection of labor migrants in Hungary (Irina Molodikova)




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