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Senior Research Fellow

Research fields

- Family formation
- Lone parent families
- Inter-generational relationships
- Ageing
- National Transfer Account


e-mail: monostori@demografia.hu


Monostori, Judit – Szabó, Laura – Kopcsó, Krisztina (2023): The Impact of Family Complexity on the Risk of Developmental Delay and Socio-Emotional Difficulties in Early Childhood. Societies, 3(8), 192.

Monostori, J. (2023): Three‐Generation Households in a Central and Eastern European Country: The Case of Hungary. Social Inclusion,11(1) (online first).

Monostori, J. (2021): The school year 2020-2021 in Hungary during the pandemic - Country report, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. doi:10.2760/062696, JRC125455.

Szabó, L.–Kocsis, K.-Branyiczkiné, G.G.–Makay, Zs.- Monostori, J. (2021): Population structures: marital status and households. In: Kocsis, K. National Atlas of Hungary: Society. pp. 64-69.

Monostori, Judit – Gresits, Gabriella (2019). Ageing. In Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary, 2018. Report on the conditions of the Hungarian population. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest: 131–149.

Monostori, Judit – Murinkó, Lívia (2019). Household and family structure. In Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary, 2018. Report on the conditions of the Hungarian population. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest:151–178.

Harcsa, István - Monostori, Judit (2019): Correlations between household structure and level of education. In: Tóth, István György (ed.): Hungarian Social Report 2019. TÁRKI, Budapest, 32-45.

Gál Róbert Iván – Monostori Judit 2018: Measuring Economic Sustainability and Intergenerational Fairness: A New Taxonomy of Indicators and Implications for Policy. DaWs Working Papers 2018-1. Odense: Danish Centre for Welfare Studies.

Gál, Róbert Iván - Monostori, Judit (2017): A taxonomy of indicators of economic sustainability and intergenerational fairness. Intergenerational Justice Review 11(2), 77-86.

Monostori, Judit (2015): Ageing and retirement. In: Monostori, Judit - Őri, Péter - Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2015. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute. Budapest.

Monostori, Judit - Murinkó, Lívia (2015): Family and household sturcture. In: Monostori, Judit - Őri, Péter - Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2015. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute. Budapest.

Füzér, Katalin – Monostori, Judit (2012): Social Capital, Social Exclusion and Rehabilitation Policy in the Hungarian Urban Context. In: J.D. Lewandowski – G. W. Streich (ed.): Urban Social Capital. Civil Society and City Life. Ashgate

Monostori, Judit (2009): Work, leisure, time allocation. In: Tóth, I.Gy. (eds.): TÁRKI European Social Reports. Economic Attitudes. TÁRKI, pp. 83-96.

Monostori, Judit (2003): Poverty and Social Assistance. In: Fóti, Klára (eds.): Alleviating  Poverty: Analysis and recommendations 2000-2002. Human Development Report.

Monostori, Judit (2002): Social Relationships of the Poor. Hungarian Statistical Review. Special Number 7., pp. 18-44.