2022.08.11 Infancy in Hungary
The Report on the Second Wave of the Cohort ’18 - Growing Up In Hungary is now published online in our series Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare. Cohort ’18 – Growing Up in Hungary is a large-scale longitudinal survey initiated by our Institute, with the objective to provide a comprehensive overview of children growing up in Hungary, and the influencing factors.
2022.07.11 Presentation in Paris
Our researchers Levente Pakot and Péter Őri give a presentation with the title 'Demographic Responses to Short-Term Economic Stress in Hungary, 1819–1872' at the XIX World Economic History Congress organised between 25–29 July 2022 in Paris.
2022.06.20 European Population Conference 2022
Many of our researchers participates at the European Population Conference 2022 ogranised between 29 Jun –2 July in Groningen. For details of the presentations and posters click MORE.
2022.06.14 Infant sleep patterns and maternal depressive symptoms
Our researchers Krisztina Kopcsó and Nikolett Gabriella Sándor participates at the 26th Biennal Meeting of the ISSBD organised in Rodos between 19-23 June 2022. Their poster is based on results from our research project Cohort ’18 – Growing up in Hungary.
2022.06.08 Presentation at the University of Tampere
Our researcher Lívia Murinkó gives a presentation on 16 June 2022 at the conference Reproductive Futures organised by the University of Tampere (Finland). The presentation with co-author Ivett Szalma (Centre for Social Siences, Hungary) is entitled ’Cultural and ideological pronatalism in Europe'.
2022.06.01 Presentation at the University of Regensburg
Our senior research fellow Attila Melegh holds a presentation on 20 June 2022 with the title 'Globalization and the migration turn. Why migration has become a polarizing issue'. The lecture is part of the series Frictions and Transformations organised by the Leibniz Science Campus – Europe and America in the Modern World at the University of Regensburg.