The Demographic Portrait of Hungary offers basic data, knowledge and accurate interpretations about the population of Hungary.
The website of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office contains data and indicators on population and other issues in the field of economy, education, living conditions, etc. collected by HCSO or transmitted by other organizations. The Office releases territorial data by county and region and major international data by the member states of the European Union as well as by some other countries to ensure the option of intra-country and cross country comparison (further international data are available in the Hungarian-language collection of static tables of Eurostat). The STADAT-tables are free to download.
Data and indicators on Hungarian population, economy, social conditions, etc. can be found in several international databases, to begin with the Eurostat bases, OECD data bases, etc. Some more specific databases also include Hungary: the GGP Contextual Database , the Human Fertility Database, the Human Mortality Database.