Migration, mobility
Migration research started with the emergence of migration in the late 1980s in Hungary. Reflecting on current migratory trends at the time, studies mainly focused on immigration until the second half of the 2000s. The HDRI conducted a number of research programmes studying the composition of immigrants and new citizens, the reasons and background of migration, as well as the integration process of immigrants. Over the past few years, migration research at the HDRI has turned to explore the deficiencies and improvement possibilities of migration statistics in Hungary. With an increasing number of people leaving the country, emigration research has recently gained more attention, so researchers at the HDRI prepared estimations on the number of emigrants applying various methodologies. A pilot-research within the SEEMIG project – also with an attempt to estimate the number of Hungarians living abroad – aimed to explore/examine the various characteristics of emigrants from Hungary. Migration intentions and their relation to life-course events are also examined at the HDRI.
BÁLINT, Lajos; BLASKÓ, Zsuzsa; GÁBRIEL, Dóra; GÖDRI, Irén; MELEGH, Attila; ROHR, Adél
Related international projects
Managing migration and its effects in South-East Europe (SEEMIG)
Needs for female immigrants and their integration in ageing societies (FEMAGE)