ŐRI, Péter
Senior Research Fellow
Research fields
- Historical demography
- Population history of Hungary (18–19th centuries)
e-mail: ori@demografia.hu
tel.: +36 -1-345-6391
Őri Péter (2024): Parental loss in 18th-19th century Hungary: the impact of parents’ widowhood and remarriage on their children’s survival, Zsámbék, 1720-1850. In Warner, Lyndan – Erdélyi, Gabriella (eds.): Stepfamilies across Europe and Overseas, 1550-1900. Routledge, London, 43-69.
Őri Péter (2023): Orphans and stepchildren: the impact of parental loss and parental remarriage on children’s first marriages in Zsámbék in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In Erdélyi, Gabriella – Szabó, András Péter (eds.): Remarriage and Stepfamilies in East Central Europe, 1600–1900. Routledge, London – New York, 142–168.
Őri Péter (2022): Parental loss in 18th–19th century Hungary: the impact of the parents’ widowhood and remarriage on their children’s survival, Zsámbék, 1720–1850. The History of the Family, 27(3), 453–479.
Őri Péter – Kocsis Károly – Faragó Tamás – Tóth Pál Péter (2021): History of Population. In Kocsis Károly (editor-in-chief): National Atlas of Hungary. Society. Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budapest, 16-21.
Kocsis Károly – Bálint Lajos – Makay Zsuzsanna – Murinkó Lívia – Őri Péter – Wéber András (2021): Natural Change of Population. In Kocsis Károly (editor-in-chief): National Atlas of Hungary. Society. Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budapest, 32-43.
Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.) (2019): Demographic Portrait of Hungary, 2018. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.
Őri Péter (2019): Entering the reproductive phase of life: first marriages in Zsámbék, Hungary (1720–1945). In Glavatskaya, Elena – Thorvaldsen, Gunnar – Fertig, Georg – Szołtysek, Mikolaj (eds.): Nominative data in demographic research in the East and the West. Ural University Press, Ekaterinburg, 97–120.
Lippényi, Zoltán - van Leeuwen, Marco H. D. - Maas, Ineke - Őri, Péter (2019): Social status homogamy in a religiously diverse society. Modernization, religious diversity, and status homogamy in Hungary between 1870-1950. The History of the Family, 24(1), 15-37.
Őri, Péter (2016): Long-term demographic change and local socio-cultural patterns: marriages and household structure in 18–20th century Hungary. Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski,37(3), pp.7-37.
Őri Péter (2016): Towards a comparative study of local communities. In: Matthijs, Koen – Hin, Saskia – Kok, Jan – Matsuo, Hideko (eds.): The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out. Acco, Leuven/Den Haag, pp.45–48.
Pakot, Levente – Őri, Péter (2016): Socioeconomic and religious differentials in marital fertility during the fertility transition: A micro-level study from Western Hungary, 1850–1939. Demográfia, English Edition, 2015. 58(5), pp.5–37.
Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.) (2015): Demographic Portrait of Hungary. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 2015.
Őri, Péter - Pakot, Levente (2014): Residence patterns in nineteenth century Hungary: Evidence from the Hungarian MOSAIC sample. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, no. 20. Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest.
Őri, Péter – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.) (2012): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2012. Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 165 p.
Pakot, Levente – Őri, Péter (2012): Marriage systems and remarriage in 19th century Hungary: a comparative study.
The History of the Family, 17/2. 105–124.
Őri, Péter – Pakot, Levente (2011): Census and census-like material preserved in the archives of Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania (Romania), 18-19th centuries. MPIDR Working Paper WP-2011-020, (December 2011). Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, 57 p.
Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – S. Molnár, Edit – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.) (2010): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2009. Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 139 p.
Kovács, Katalin – Őri, Péter (2010): Social disparities in mortality. In Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – S. Molnár, Edit – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2009. Demographic Research Institute, HCSO, Budapest, 2010. 51–62.
Kovács, Katalin – Őri, Péter (2010): Cause-specific mortality. In Monostori, Judit – Őri, Péter – S. Molnár, Edit – Spéder, Zsolt (eds.): Demographic Portrait of Hungary 2009. Demographic Research Institute, HCSO, Budapest, 2010. 63–74.
Őri, Péter (2009): Marriage Customs and Household Structure in Hungary at the end of the 18th Century. The Case of County Pest-Pilis-Solt (1774–1785). In Fauve-Chamoux, Antoinette – Bolovan, Ioan (eds.): Families in Europe between the 19th and 21st Centuries. From the the Traditional Model to the Contemporary PACS. (Supplement of the Romanian Journal of Population Studies). Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 167–192.
Őri, Péter – Pakot, Levente (2009): Demographic Transitions in the Carpathian Basin. Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun and Udvarhely Counties in the Late 19th and Early 20th centuries. Transylvanian Review, Vol. XVIII, Supplement no. 1, 277–306.
Őri, Péter (2007): Demographic Patterns and Transitions in 18–20th Century Hungary. County Pest–Pilis–Solt–Kiskun in the Late 18th and Early 20th Centuries. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare, no. 10, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest, 56 p.
Őri, Péter (2005): Patterns of demographic behaviour in late 18th century Hungary. Demográfia, English Edition, 49. 43–76.