2016.07.01 11th Global Meeting of the NTA Network
HDRI researchers Róbert I. Gál and Lili Vargha gave presentations at the conference of Demographic Dividend and African Development: 11th Global Meeting of the NTA Network. The conference took place in Senegal 20-24 June, 2016. The presentations can be downloaded from the following links:
2016.05.20 Working Papers No.24
Ths savings gap in Hungary. The new issue available online.
2016.05.05 Results from GGS
Results of the French Generation and Gender Survey will be launcehed in a new book, on 9th May 2016, Paris. Our researcher, Zsuzsanna Makay - who contributed to the volume - is holding a presentation at the event with the title 'Childrising and women's employment in France and Hungary'.
2016.04.29 Working Papers No. 23
"The Hungarian Longitudinal Growth Study: From Birth To The Age of 18 years" has just been published and available online.
2016.04.07 Langauge editor
Hungarian Demograpic Research Institute is seeking for a native English language editor for its publications. MORE
2016.03.03 What's going on?
Discover our ongoing researches. The latest issue of HDRI's Research Highlights deals with fertility implications of 'double status positions'. Visit the short description. You can find other intersting topics here.