Munkatársaink előadásai az EPC-n
A konferencia első napján, szeptember elsején, intézetünk munkatársaitól az alábbi előadások hallhatóak:
Lili Vargha - Gretchen Donehover: The quantity-quality tradeoff: a cross-country comparison of market and nonmarket investments per child in relation to fertility
Zsolt Spéder - Balázs Kapitány: Well-being consequences of fertility trajectories childless women and men – is there a happiness penalty of non-realized fertility intentions?
Levente Pakot: Sibling competition for marriage and reproduction: evidence from Western Hungarian rural populations during the demographic transition
Katalin Kovács: The fundamental causes of death theory, medical technologies and inequalities in mortality
A poszter szekcióban két posztert mutattunk be:
Tamás Kiss - Attila Melegh: Toward unequal exchanges. The longer term integration of South Eastern Europe into global migration linkages since the 1950s
Attila Melegh: The development of demography as science in South Eastern Europe since the 1950s
A második napon, szeptember 2-án:
Róbert Iván Gál - Pietr Vanhuysse - Lili Vargha: Asymmetric socialisation and optical illusions – incorporating intra-familial transfers into the analysis of the welfare state
László Németh: How much can we trust life tables? Sensitivity of mortality measures to right-censoring treatment
Judit Monostori: The demographic determinants of becoming a lone mother after separation in Hungary
Livia Olah - Lívia Murinkó - Zsolt Spéder: Competing subsidies? The impact of various policy measures on second births in contemporary Hungary
Tamás Bartus - Zsolt Spéder: Educational enrolment, double status positions and the transition to motherhood. Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey
Poszter szekció:
Laura Szabó - Balázs Kapitány - Adél Rohr: U - shape link between education and childlessness in Hungary - a new Central European phenomenon
László Németh: Can we verify the existence of a human mortality plateau today or in the near future?
Irén Gödri - Gábor Attila Feleky: Realization of migration intentions – lessons from a panel study
Lajos Bálint: Is there a relationship between suicide and alcohol related mortality in Hungary? A spatial panel approach