David Coleman előadása
A Danube Institute és a KSH Népességtudományi Kutatóintézet közös szervezésében David Coleman (University of Oxford) előadást tart 2014. október 14-énPopulation in Central and Eastern Europe: Burdens of the Past and Prospects for the Future címmel a KSH-ban. Az ülőhelyek száma korlátozott, ezért regisztráció javasolt.
The Danube Institute and the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute cordially invite you to a lecture to be given by David Coleman (University of Oxford) on Population in Central and Eastern Europe: Burdens of the Past and Prospects for the Future
Registration is required. Please click here to register for the event
Europe’s population is proportionately diminishing. European states currently make up twelve per cent of the world’s population, but this is expected to fall to nine percent by 2050. By the same time more than a third of the population will be over 60 years old. The harsh realities of the continent’s demographics are even more pronounced in Central Europe. In Hungary’s case the birth rate has been falling since the early 70s, an era in which the proportion of the economically active working population has also been falling as the result of improved mortality rates and migration.
These trends and their profound implications are the subject of the lecture to be given by David Coleman, Professor of Demography at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. Professor Coleman, an international acknowledged authority on population trends, is the author of more than 90 publications.
Seats at the lecture are strictly limited, therefore early registration is recommended.
Date: Tuesday, 14th October 2014, 5.00pm
Venue: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Árvay János Room
Budapest, 1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly str. 5-7.