2021.03.18 Population Europe
The renowned organization is hosting a three-day conference next week. Our senior research fellow, Gál, Róbert Iván is the co-author of the study on Europe of pro-elderly welfare states within child-oriented societies planned for the second day of the meeting.
2021.01.18 Working Papers
HDRI's publication on Population, Family and Welfare is also available on EconStor publication server. The 18-year archive of the publication is freely accessible and searchable.
2020.11.25 Care migration
What are the historical, political, social, demographic and economic reasons behind care migration and what kind of trends can be observed currently on the European care market? Under what kind of conditions do workers carry out their work and what is the role of states and private actors such as employment agencies in defining these conditions? Towards a scarcity of care? The authors - Gábriel, Dóra and Melegh, Attila - seek answers to these questions at the book launch and online discussion this Friday.
2020.11.02 The cost of being a parent
Our publication series called Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare present first findings based on the empirical research of the HDRI or external researchers. The latest issue by Róbert Iván Gál, Márton Medgyesi, Pieter Vanhuysse examines The transfer cost of parenthood in Europe.
2020.10.12 WCPH2020
The 16th World Congress on Public Health begins this Monday under the theme “Public health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action”. More than 3.500 people from 122 countries have registered to attend online the five-day event. Our researchers, Zsuzsa, Veroszta and Julianna, Boros share their knowledge on The impact of informal payment on Caesarean delivery rates in obstetric care in Hungary. They examine the coincidence between widespread informal payment practice and Caesarean deliveries in obstetric care.
2020.09.22 Thesis defense
Zsolt Spéder, the director of Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI) has defended his thesis on fertility processes in Hungary in international comparison for the title Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The committee appreciated his inspiring career and decades of service for the scientific community.